Suoseuran esitelmäkokous tiistaina 29.1.2002 klo 17 Tieteiden talolla Helsingissä

Irish Peatlands, Back to the Future: Notes on raised bog restoration and future use of cutaway peatlands

Dr. John K. Jeglum, Professor
Department of Forest Ecology
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
S-90183 Umeå, Sweden
tel. +46 90 786 6618
fax +46 90 786 7750

The talk will consist of my observations during the 10-day Irish Raised Bog Tour, Sept 3 to 13, illustrated with slides. I will cover the big marginal dike constructions for Clara and Raheenmore Bogs, wooded flushes on the bogs, forestry plantations on the bogs, the buried forests and archeological finds, and the cutaway peatlands with pastures, forest plantation experiments, and parklands for nature and recreation.