Suoseuran esitelmäkokous tiistaina 29.1.2002 klo 17 Tieteiden talolla Helsingissä

The North American Approach to Peatland Restoration

Prof. Line Rochefort
Groupe de Recherche en Écologie des Tourbières
Université Laval
Québec, Qc, Canada G1K 7P4
Tel: +1-418-656-2131 ext 2583
Fax: +1-418-656-7856

Land management practices such as drainage for agriculture, forestry, urban sprawl and peat harvesting results in damage to peat bogs. Because of potential long-term impacts, the Canadian peat industry has initiated research partnerships with governmental agencies and universities in order to develop restoration techniques for harvested peat bogs. The long-term objective is to restore functional peat accumulating ecosystems. The short-term objective is to re-establish a vascular plant and moss carpet by rewetting the soil, reintroducing plant diaspores, and creating suitable climatic and substrate conditions for diaspore establishment. This seminar will present methods for establishing a vegetation carpet on most harvested peat bogs in North America within 3-5 years. Basically, this method consists of: 1) collecting and shredding the living plant layer in a natural bog, 2) spreading this plant material, 3) applying a straw mulch, and 4) blocking the drainage system to allow rewetting of the site.